New notice from Secretariat, EIA Consultant Registration Scheme,
Starting From 16 November 2012, there are improvement on the EIA procedure as following :
1. The EIA reviewing time (DOE’s client charter) for the subsequent prescribed activities is reduced from 5 weeks (25 working days) to 3 weeks (15 working days), starting from the date of the EIA report including a completed checklist (self assessment) are received (via mail or hand delivered) and recorded at the DOE’s office:-
1. The EIA reviewing time (DOE’s client charter) for the subsequent prescribed activities is reduced from 5 weeks (25 working days) to 3 weeks (15 working days), starting from the date of the EIA report including a completed checklist (self assessment) are received (via mail or hand delivered) and recorded at the DOE’s office:-
- Activity 7: Housing development covering an area of 50 hectares or more” and/or “Activity 9(e) Construction of New Township;
- Activity 18c(i): Municipal Sewage: Construction Of Wastewater Treatment Plant;
- Activity 8(a): Chemical - where production capacity of each product or of combined products is greater than 100 tonnes/day
- Activity 18(a)(ii): Construction of Recovery Plant (Off-Site)” and “Activity 18(a)(v): Construction of Storage Facility (Off-Site)
3. The implementation of this procedure is through the following modus operandi:-
- Begins with the application of the Preliminary Site Assessment (Penilaian Awal Tapak, PAT) for any of the prescribed activities mentioned in paragraph 1, using the new PAT form (AS-PAT 1-12) which is received at the DOE State Office on 16 November 2012 onwards. Any EIA reports received at the DOE office with PAT comments dated before 16 November 2012, will be reviewed through the 5 weeks client charter. 2
- Inputs/comments on the site for the proposed project must be obtained by the project proponent from the relevant agencies during the PAT application ie. before the submission of AS-PAT 1-12 form to the DOE.
- The EIA report prepared by the EIA consultant must be self-assessed by the EIA Consultant, using specific checklist before submitting the EIA Report to DOE for final decision.
- Inputs/comments on the EIA study components and EIA report for the proposed project must be obtained by the project proponent/EIA consultant from the relevant agencies (based on critical issues) during the preparation of the EIA report ie. before the submission of the EIA report together with the completed checklist.
- The 3 weeks (15 working days) client charter/reviewing time starts from the date of the EIA report including a completed checklist (self assessment) are received (via mail or hand delivered) and recorded at the DOE’s office:-
- There will be no One Stop Agency (OSA) meeting at the DOE Office taking into consideration that issues from the relevant agencies have been dealt with during Self Assessment process by the EIA Consultant.
5. The specific checklists for self assessment for each
prescribed activity are in Appendices 3 to 6 and can be downloaded from the DOE’s
website at